

Thursday December 1st

Webcrow: a web-based crosswords solver
Giovanni Angelini, Marco Ernandes, Marco Gori


COMPASS2008: The Smart Dinig Service
Ilhan Aslan, Feiyu Xu, Jörg Steffen, Hans Uszkoreit, Antonio Krüger


DaFEx: Database of Facial Expressions
Alberto Battocchi, Fabio Pianesi, Dina Goren-Bar


PeaceMaker: A Video game to Teach Peace
Asi Burak, Eric Keylor, Tim Sweeney


A Demonstration of the ScriptEase Approach to Ambient and Perceptive NPC Behaviors in Computer Role-Playing Games
Maria Cutumisu, Duane Szafron, Jonathan Schaeffer, Mattew McNaughton, Thomas Roy, Curtis Onuczko, Mike Carbonaro


Multi-User Multi-Touch Games on DiamondTouch with the DTFlash Toolkit
Alan Esenther, Kent Wittenburg


Enhancing social communication through story-telling among high-functioning children with autism
E. Gal, D. Goren-Bar, E. Gazit, N. Bauminger, A. Cappelletti, F. Pianesi, O. Stock, M. Zancanaro, P. Weiss


Tagsocratic: Learning Shared Concepts on the Blogosfere
Dina Goren-Bar, I. Levi, C. Hayes, P. Avesani


Delegation based Multimedia Mobile Guide
Ilenia Graziola, Cesare Rocchi, Dina Goren-Bar, Fabio Pianesi, Oliviero Stock, Massimo Zancanaro


Personalized Multimedia Information System for Museums and Exhibitions
Jochen Martin, Christian Trummer


Let's Come Together � Social Navigation Behaviors of Virtual and Real Humans
Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André, Michael Nischt


Automatic Creation of Humorous Acronyms
Oliviero Stock, Carlo Strapparava