Wednesday, 10 June 2015
13:00 – 14:20 Conference registration (Lobby SCF)
14:20 – 14:40 Welcome (SCF)
14:40 - 14:55 Financial sponsor presentation (M. Fabbri & D. Biocchi; DIRECTA) (SCF)
15:00 – 16:40 Paper session 1: Augmented Reality (Chair: Paul McKevitt) (SCF)
ArcAid Interactive Archery Assistant°
Vervaeke, Jeroen
Ameye, Jente
van Esch, Sievert
Saldien, Jelle
*Verstockt, Steven
Digital Facial Augmentation for Interactive Entertainment
*Hieda, Naoto
Cooperstock, Jeremy, R
Phygital Play. HRI in a New Gaming Scenario.°
*Lupetti, Maria Luce
Piumatti, Giovanni
Rossetto, Federica
ARZombie: A Mobile Augmented Reality Game with Multimodal Interaction
Cordeiro, Diogo
*Jesus, Rui, Manuel
Correia, Nuno
Robot Devastation: Using DIY Low-Cost Platforms for Multiplayer Interaction in an Augmented Reality Game°
*Estevez, David
Victores, Juan, G.
Morante, Santiago
Balaguer, Carlos
16:40 – 17:00 Coffee break (Lobby SCF)
17:00 – 18:40 Paper session 2: HCI 1 (Chair: Anthony Whitehead) (SCF)
A Preliminary Study of a Hybrid User Interface for Augmented Reality Applications°
*Manuri, Federico
Piumatti, Giovanni
A System for multimodal interaction with Kinect-enabled virtual windows°
*Bernardos, Ana M.
Marquínez, Íñigo
Gómez, David
Besada, Juan, A.
Casar, José, R.
Real-time gesture recognition based on motion quality analysis
*Jost, Céline
Stankovic, Igor
De Loor, Pierre
Nédélec, Alexis
Bevacqua, Elisabetta
Automated video analysis of interpersonal entrainment in Indian music performance
*Alborno, Paolo
Clayton, Martin
Keller, Peter
Volpe, Gualtiero
Camurri, Antonio
How does it feel like? An exploratory study of a prototype system to convey emotion through haptic wearable devices°
*Mazzoni, Antonella
Bryan-Kinns, Nick
Thursday, 11 June 2015
8:00 – 9:00 Conference registration (Lobby SCF)
9:00 – 10:40 Paper session 3: HCI 2 (Chair: Andrea Bottino) (SCF)
A virtual holographic display case for museum installations°
*Chessa, Manuela
Garibotti, Matteo
Rossi, Valerio
Novellino, Antonio
Solari, Fabio
A Multimodal Dataset for the Analysis of Movement Qualities in Karate Martial Art°
*Kolykhalova, Ksenia
Camurri, Antonio
Volpe, Gualtiero
Sanguineti, Marcello
Puppo, Enrico
Niewiadomski, Radoslaw
Drawing Outside the Lines: Tracking-based Gesture Interaction in Mobile Augmented Entertainment
*Hürst, Wolfgang
Poppe, Ronald
van Angeren, Jerry
Interactive Entertainment, Virtual Motion Training and Brain Ergonomy
*Invitto, Sara
Faggiano, Chiara
Sammarco, Silvia
De Luca, Valerio
De Paolis, Lucio, Tommaso
Notification mechanisms in second-screen scenarios - Towards a balanced User Experience°
*Almeida, Pedro
Abreu, Jorge
Silva, Telmo
Aresta, Mónica
Duro, Lígia
Oliveira, Rita
10:40 – 11:00 Coffee break (Lobby SCF)
11:00 – 11:40 Keynote speech (SCF)
‘Sensors for the Senses: Meaning-making via self-active entertainment experiences’
Anthony L. Brooks
11:40 – 13:00 Paper session 4: Digital characters and virtual worlds (Chair: Fabrizio Valpreda) (SCF)
Visual metaphors for semantic cultural heritage
*Damiano, Rossana
Lombardo, Vincenzo
Lieto, Antonio
Exploiting Reverse Correlation for the Generation of Virtual Characters from Personality Traits
*Nunnari, Fabrizio
Heloir, Alexis
A Methodological Approach to User Evaluation and Assessment of a Virtual Environment Hangout°
Pasin, Marco
*Frisiello, Antonella
Wall, Julie
Poulakos, Steven
Smolic, Aljoscha
The richness of open-ended play - Rules, Feedback and Adaptation mechanisms in Intelligent Play Environments
*Rijnbout, Pepijn
Schouten, Ben
Graaf, Mark, de
13:00 – 14:30 Buffet lunch (Lobby SCF)
Posters & Demos (SCF)
Virgil, a robot museum experience (poster & demo)
*giuliano, luca
germak, claudio
lupetti, maria luce
Kaouk Ng, miquel efrain
Phygital Play. HRI in a new gaming scenario (demo)
*Lupetti, Maria Luce
Piumatti, Giovanni
Rossetto, Federica
Digital Facial Augmentation for Interactive Entertainment (demo)
*Hieda, Naoto
Cooperstock, Jeremy, R
Grüt - A Gardening Sensor Kit for Children (demo)
*Zonda, Ilaria
Martis, Jarmal
CrossCult: Empowering Reuse of Digital Cultural Heritage in Context-aware CrossCults of European History (poster)
*Bravo Quezada, Omar Gustavo
García Vélez, Roberto Agustín
Blanco-Fernandez, Yolanda
López Nores, Martín
14:30 – 16:10 Paper session 5: Sensors for entertainment (Chair: Fabrizio Lamberti) (LH)
Wearable Vision for Retrieving Architectural Details in Augmented Tourist Experiences
Alletto, Stefano
Abati, Davide
*Serra, Giuseppe
Cucchiara, Rita
Augmenting Traditional Playground Games to Enhance Game Experience
*Moreno, Alejandro
van Delden, Robby
Poppe, Ronald
Reidsma, Dennis
Heylen, Dirk
Grüt - A Gardening Sensor Kit for Children
*Zonda, Ilaria
Martis, Jarmal
Wearable Sensor Networks for Motion Capture
Arsenault, Dennis
*Whitehead, Anthony
An open platform for full body interactive sonification exergames
Ghisio, Simone
Coletta, Paolo
Piana, Stefano
*Alborno, Paolo
Volpe, Gualtiero
Camurri, Antonio
Primavera, Ludovica
Guenza, Carla
Moretti, Paolo
Bergamaschi, Valeria
Ravaschio, Andrea
Ferrari, Carla
16:10 – 16:30 Coffee break (Lobby SCF)
16:30 – 17:10 Keynote speech (LH)
‘Perceptually-Inspired Computing’
Prof. Ming C. Lin
17:10 – 18:20 Social event (LH)
Concert by J.F. Laporte and SMET’s students
20:00 – 22:00 Gala dinner (Castello del Valentino, Viale Pier Andrea Mattioli, 39, “Balconata d'onore”)
Friday, 12 June 2015
8:00 – 9:00 Workshop registration (Lobby SCF)
9:00 – 11:00 Understanding the video game industry (part 1) (SCF)
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break (Lobby SCF)
11:30 – 13:30 Understanding the video game industry (part 2) (SCF)
13:30 – 14:30 Buffet lunch (Lobby SCF)
14:30 -16:30 Paper session 6: Gaming (Chair: Rossana Damiano) (SCF)
Playable One-Switch Video Games for Children with Severe Motor Disabilities Based on Gnomon
*Aced López, Sebastián
Corno, Fulvio
De Russis, Luigi
A semantic layer for knowledge-based game design in edutainment applications
*Repetto, Andrea
Catalano, Chiara Eva
Fydlyty: A Low-Fidelity Serious Game for Medical-Based Cultural Competence Education°
Kapralos, Bill
*Khan, Zain
Maddeaux, Kristopher
Soft Play Detection in Shooter Games Using Hit Matrix Analysis°
*Laasonen, Jussi
Smed, Jouni
GAINE - tanGible Augmented INteraction for Edutainment
*Bottino, Andrea
Martina, Andrea
Toosi, Amirhosein
360-MAM-Affect: Sentiment Analysis with the Google Prediction API and EmoSenticNet°
*Mulholland, Eleanor
Mc Kevitt, Paul
Lunney, Tom
Farren, John
Wilson, Judy
16:30 – 16:45 Closing remarks
° Short paper
ROOM LEGEND: SCF Sala Consiglio di Facoltà, LH Lecture hall
Included in full conference registration (member, non-member and student) |
Free entrance |
Workshop registration required (included in full conference registration); Special Workshop Fee |
Program of the Concert by J.F. Laporte and SMET’s students
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Plus-Minus (1963)
new version for three virtual instruments
Margherita Brillada, Amedeo Casella, Luca Morino - digital design and performance
produced by the Electronic Music School of Turin's Conservatory of Music
Jean François Laporte - Jonas dans la baleine (2015)
for two "the pipe" and live electronics
Zack Settel - Air jam (2015)
for two "the pipe" and motion capture system
Jean François Laporte - invented acoustic instruments